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Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath 

How to change a fire alarm batteryWe at Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath offer a service that is essential to every home. In light of the most recent laws implemented by the Scottish Government, fire safety measures will increase across the country. The interlinked fire system is now required within all residential and commercial properties across the country. We will be able to assist with the installation process.

Call us today on 07727 428 660

The Installation Process – Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath 

Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath know that under the new law, several alarms are required throughout your property. You must have one alarm within the main room of your home. This is most likely to be placed in the downstairs living room area. The other alarms should be placed in the circulation areas of your property. That means that if your property is two-storeys, you must have an alarm within the downstairs and upstairs circulation areas. This is likely to be within the hallway or landings. You must also have a heat alarm within the kitchen area. You can rely on the team at Titus Fire and Security to install the alarms within the most accurate sections of your home.

Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath Arbroath- Carbon Monoxide Detector

Fire Alarm Installers Arbroath know that a carbon monoxide detector is required within your property if you have any carbon-fuelled appliances. This includes the likes of a boiler or a gas heater. Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer. When consumed in large doses, it can be detrimental to your health. That is why this alarm is vital. Did you also know that around 60 deaths per year within the UK are related to carbon monoxide consumption? Although this alarm is not directly linked to your new interlinked system, it is vital in protecting yourself and your household.

Call the team at fire alarm installers Arbroath today on 7727428660

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Types of Alarm Systems

Before having your fire alarm installed, it is important to consider whether you would prefer for your alarm system to be a mains-wired or sealed battery alarm. Mains-wired alarms are linked to your main electricity within the property, whereas sealed battery alarms operate on lithium batteries. They are likely to need changing roughly every ten years. It is vital to regularly check your alarm system is still in operation. After all, having a fire alarm that does not work is completely useless. You can do so by carefully lighting a match and holding it directly below a device within the property. The noise will indicate how well the alarm is working.

Let’s Keep Our Town Safe

The new fire alarm system was put in place due to the repercussions of the Grenfell Tower tragedy that occurred in 2017 in London. The fire in the block of high-rise flats broke out due to a malfunctioning fridge freezer on the fourth floor. It is believed that if an interlinked system was in place, the number of injuries and fatalities could have been reduced. Over seventy people were killed as a result of the outbreak. All residential and commercial property owners within Arbroath must take the new regulations on board. The new system should be installed to keep everyone safe as they indicate fire breakouts quicker. Call 7727 428 660 today
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